mysticmaddia - Tarot Reading and Western Astrology

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mysticmaddia - Tarot Reading and Western Astrology in Canada

Chat with mysticmaddia - Tarot Reading and Western Astrology in Canada online. 15-20 years of experience in Western Astrology. ✰ EXPERIENCED & TOP RATED WORLD FAMOUS PSYCHIC ✰ ACCURATE PREDICTIONS ✰ TIME FRAMES ✰ NATURAL CLAIRVOYANCE ✰ LOVE & RELATIONSHIPS ✰ CAREER ✰ FINANCE * PREGNANCY * TRAVEL* HEALINGS * SOUL READINGS * SPIRITUAL TRUTH * GIFTED DIVINATION EXPERT * SELF EMPOWERMENT READINGS * INSIGHTFUL * SOULFUL LIGHT WORKER * CARING * COMPASSIONATE * NATURAL INTUITIVE * SOULMATE EXPERT * MYSTICAL * WORLD RENOWNED FAMOUS AND SCARILY ACCURATE READER PREPARE TO BE AMAZED, BE READY TO HEAR NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH FROM THIS GIFTED AND WORLD WIDE EXPERIENCED READER Do you want to see his or her intentions? feelings and thoughts? Will me and him get married, and when? Would you like to see what the future brings for you and a certain person? Want to see if you will get the job you interviewed for? What's in store next month for my finances? Will me and my ex reunite? *** Join me in private consult today *** ***** SPIRITUAL PRINCIPLES ***** (please read carefully) The philosophy of spiritualism is based on seven fundamental principles: 1. The Fatherhood of God 2. The Brotherhood of Man 3. The Communion of Spirits and the Ministry of Angels 4. The Continuous Existence of the Human Soul 5. Personal Responsibility 6. Compensation and Retribution Hereafter For All The Good and Evil Deeds Done On Earth 7. Eternal Progress Open to Every Human Soul ***** MY BACKGROUND ***** I am a firm believer that all things happen for a reason. It is by no coincidence you are here now reading my profile because you have been divinely led to me. Let me tell you about me before we start the private reading. I was born an Indigo Child which means that according to Doreen Virtue I am here to lead others and to help. I am a truth speaker and a trusted expert. I have had many spiritual and paranormal experiences happen to me throughout my life and I continue to know the spirit world is real. I believe we are spirits having a human experience. I have lost many dear people close to me who are now my spirit guides. I can find out who your spirit guides are and teach you on how to work with them in spiritual coaching sessions. ***** MY SKILLS ***** ♥ Psychic ♥ Tarot card reader ♥ Certified angel card reader by Doreen Virtue and Hay House Publications ♥ Clairvoyant (seeing spirits) ♥ Clairaudient (hearing spirits) ♥ Clairsentient (sensing spirits) ♥ Medium readings (talking to the dead) ♥ Pendulum dowsing ♥ Life coaching ♥ Soul readings and soul retrieval ♥ Spiritual teaching to awaken and develop your own gifts ♥ Intuitive readings (no tools) ♥ Dream interpretation and analysis ♥ Aura and photograph readings ***** TOPICS ***** ♥ LOVE - marriage, sex, dating, relationships, twinflames, soulmates, divorce, ex, long distance, virtual online relationships, LGBT friendly, reuniting lost loved ones ♥ CAREER - colleagues, promotion, new job, interviews, tests, exams, school, university, studying, further education ♥ Money, finance, investments, business, abundance, manifestation, luck, prosperity, wealth ♥ Pregnancy predictions + descriptions and spirit baby communication ♥ Travel, abroad, vacation, overseas, holiday, business trip ♥ Housing, property, relocation, real estate ♥ Family, friends, children, home life, pregnancy predictions ♥ Angel communication and channeling spirit guides ♥ Destiny, fortune, life path and purpose ♥ Absent healing, distant healing ♥ Negative energy cleansing & removal ♥ Chakra cleansing ***** FEEDBACKS-TESTIMONIALS ***** ✰ Had a great reading....she is very accurate, calm, and very comforting but also direct and to the point. She picked up on exact issues and concerns and not only provided insight on current situations but what i could do to improve it. i am very happy with the advice given and will come back for future guidance. highly recommended! ✰ She is so kind and so sweet! Was able to give me a wonderful (and accurate) love reading on the man I am interested in. Was able to connect with my grandmother who passed me on some information and guidance as well! Offered warnings and things to look out for as well as provided advice and guidance in my own personal growth! Wonderful and cant wait to speak with her again! ✰ Mystic truly has a wonderful gift. She is always spot on with her information and has a beautiful calmness about her coupled with a great sense of humor. She is one of my absolute favorites and I will be back again as things progress ✰ This session I asked her for a look into my future, jobs and career wise and she was not only able to tell that I have been in the middle of trying to move into a new career but she was able to tell me how successful I would be and how my financial situation would end up in the long term. :) I don't think anyone could have given me a better reading in the time I bought for her to give it to me! Thank you so much Maddia, I will be stopping by to see you again in the future!!!! :) ✰ I am very impressed, she picked up on current issues straight away. Very precise and accurate with the energy she felt. She spoke calmly yet straight to the point. Well worth having a private. Thanks for your time. Blessings - Mystic Maddia (Psychic, medium, life coach and spiritualist)

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