mynumerology - Numerology Readings and Western Astrology

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mynumerology - Numerology Readings and Western Astrology in Canada

Chat with mynumerology - Numerology Readings and Western Astrology in Canada instantly. 15-20 years of experience in Western Astrology. Hi, I'm numerologist Ed Peterson - author of the book "Numerology: the practical science." Click on Private Reading and type your date of birth and full name (and ask a specific question (if you have one)). Thank you! The essence of numerology is that life can be seen happening with mathematical precision if you know how to do the math. What follows are step-by-step instructions for calculating one’s numerology. So get something to write on and something to write with and do a sort of spiritual Sudoku with your birth data in order to find out what numerology can tell you. Throughout the following birth data will be used as an example: Michael Eugene Byrne (full birth name) Mike Byrne (common name) born on November 30th, 1954 at 12:14 a.m. in Newark, Ohio The two (or in some cases three) numbers to know are what you are here to learn and your North Node number(s). [Since finding your North Node number(s) requires both some skill and work, how to calculate your North Node number(s) is explained in the book North Node numbers.] month + day +y+e+a+r of birth = what you are here to learn January = 1 July = 7 February = 2 August = 8 March = 3 September = 9 April = 4 October = 10 May = 5 November = 11 June = 6 December = 12 Mike was born on: November 30th, 1954 so the math is: 11 + 30 +1+9+5+4 = 60 = what Mike is here to learn = moving forward, making progress, leaving his troubles behind… Who you are, how you appear to others, and how you learn what you are here to learn. Using the number/letter grid: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Where: A = 1 J = 1 S = 1 B = 2 K = 2 T = 2 C = 3 L = 3 U = 3 D = 4 M = 4 V = 4 E = 5 N = 5 W = 5 F = 6 O = 6 X = 6 G = 7 P = 7 Y = 7 H = 8 Q = 8 Z = 8 I = 9 R = 9 9 15 53 5 5 7 5 45 = who Mike is Michael Eugene Byrne 91 = how Mike learns what he is here to learn 4 38 3 7 5 2 95 46 = how Mike appears to others The sum of the vowels (A, E, I, O, U, Y) in your full birth name (the name that appears of your birth certificate) tell you who you are. The sum of the vowels in Mike’s full birth name = 45 = who he is = intense, hardworking… The sum of the consonants in your full birth name (the name that appears of your birth certificate) tell you how you appear to others. The sum of the consonants in Mike’s full birth name = 46 = how he appears to others = a kid at heart, forever young… The sum of all of the letters in your full birth name (the name that appears of your birth certificate) tell you how you learn what you are here to learn. The sum of all of the letters in Mike’s full birth name = 91 = how he learns what he is here to learn = being in the right place at the right time… The same calculations can be done with one’s common name as well, but much more weight should be given to the results of the full birth name. Mike’s common name: 9 5 7 5 26 = who Mike is with his common name = communicative, popular… Mike Byrne 48 = how Mike learns what he is here to learn = 48 = remembering God… 4 2 2 95 22 = how Mike appears to others with his common name = lucky… Your initials [Note that the calculations here that use a middle initial are valid only for names with a middle initial (middle name).] Using the number/letter grid: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Where: A = 1 J = 1 S = 1 B = 2 K = 2 T = 2 C = 3 L = 3 U = 3 D = 4 M = 4 V = 4 E = 5 N = 5 W = 5 F = 6 O = 6 X = 6 G = 7 P = 7 Y = 7 H = 8 Q = 8 Z = 8 I = 9 R = 9 Mike’s initials: Michael Eugene Byrne 4 5 2 MEB 452 Your true character = first and middle initials Mike’s first and middle initials = ME = 45 So Mike’s true character = 45 = intense, focused, hardworking… Your primary challenge = first and last initials Mike’s first and last initials = MB = 42 So Mike’s primary challenge = 42 = relationships, love, deep sharing… Your salvation number (as important as it sounds) = second from the last and last initials Mike’s second from the last and last initials = EB = 52 So Mike’s salvation number = 52 = keen, perceptive, astute… Your primary need = the sum of all of the initials The sum of Mike’s initials = M+E+B = 4+5+2 = 11 So Mike’s primary need = 11 = fairness, justice, mercy...

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