DavidJames - Tarot Reading and Western Astrology

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DavidJames - Tarot Reading and Western Astrology in Canada

Chat with DavidJames - Tarot Reading and Western Astrology in Canada online. 20-25 years of experience in Western Astrology. For over twenty years I have been a professional psychic advisor, originally from the UK but now living in upstate NY I read cards, Runes and do a bit of astrology. I try to be as direct as possible with clients, without being offensive and try to help them on their path. I have over 20 years experience in this field and while things are traumatic and painful for you. I can help guide you into the light. I can help you where others have failed and I won't sugar coat the information or build a 'fairytale' for you, that might make you feel better at the time but ultimately does you no favors and takes your power away from you. I read tarot, Runes and I do some astrology, I can help you to find your path with your love life, career, money and I won't judge you. Don't suffer in silence, come see me for a personal reading today. For several years I also had a radio show, first on a small station called ask1radio and later on blogtalk radio, I found this to be a great deal of fun and we got to interview some incredible people, both in the metaphysical field and outside of it. I can help you to navigate the twists and turns of your life but be warned, I will not lie to you and I am very blunt. Now available on this site a low introductory price, to help you find your way. I'm the highest rated advisor on another site for a good reason, I won't lie to you and give you fairytale readings. I wouldn't want to be lied to in a reading and I see no reason to lie to clients. I am 100% invested in your situation and consequently I really want the outcome to work for you. And you can count on me to be there for you no matter how long. I'm now available here, at this low introductory price for a limited time, so get your reading with me now before the price goes up. Also available for email readings here as well.

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